Journey Understanding
If you are motivated to make your work a force of positive impact, but you don't know where to start from, this guide is for you. You can find lessons on demand, resources, links and communities to begin your journey in the world of Responsible Design.
Enjoy it, and if get in touch if you are looking for more personalised guidance for you or for your team.
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Bring your questions and doubts, the ideas or projects you want feedback about, what is important to you or what you are struggling with.
I offer a tailored safe space to learn, reflect, discuss real life applications, based on your values, interests and the content of your work.
Resources to get started
What is Responsible Design
​Design for the real world
​What your design say about you
Design ethically
Communities to join
Inclusive Design Jam
Ethical Design Network
SUX, Sustainable UX
Explore resources on your own
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